Level up your backyard!
Currently Booking into 2025
Every above-ground pool comes equipped with the Above Ground Pool Essentials Kit. It's your go-to package for kicking off pool season right. From setup tools to essential chemicals, it's got everything you need to dive in and keep your pool sparkling clean all season long.
1.5 HP Pump
22" Sand Filter
Solar Blanket
Vacuum Hose
Vacuum Head
Deck Ladder
Telescopic Pole
Wall Brush
Accessory Hooks
Backwash Hose
Starter Chemical Kit


Light it up!

Carvin's StarBright Return Light is the perfect addition to any above ground pool to make swimming at night a more enjoyable experience
Heat it up!

Titan Heat Pumps allows you to enjoy your pool for an extended period of time making for a longer, more enjoyable pool season!
Step it up!

Lumio's Above Ground Pool Steps make getting in and out of your above ground pool much easier and safer, they also add more aesthetic appeal
Roll it up!

Feherguard's Solar Blanket Reel makes taking your solar blanket on and off the pool hassle free, These reels come in a static mount and a wheel mount

Cornelius offers a complete range of swimming pools entirely manufactured in their factory in Mirabel, Quebec. The excellence of their products is the result of the constant use of equipment at the cutting edge of technology, along with their engineers’ critical thinking skills and innovative mindsets.
For additional information & price quotations please email